Projets de recherche encadrés par Franck Ruffier
- Caractérisation de capteurs de flux optique robustes aux variations de luminance
- Déloppement d'un oeil composé dans le cadre du projet européen CURVACE
- Régulation du flux optique sur un micro-robot aérien
Articles de Revue Scientifique
F. Expert and F. Ruffier (2015)
Flying over uneven moving terrain based on optic-flow cues without any need for reference frames or accelerometers
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 10, 026003
S. Mafrica, S. Godiot, M. Menouni, M. Boyron, F. Expert, R. Juston, N. Marchand, F. Ruffier, S. Viollet (2015)
A bio-inspired analog silicon retina with Michaelis-Menten auto-adaptive pixels sensitive to small and large changes in light
Optics Express, 23(5):5614-5635
S. Viollet, S. Godiot, R. Leitel, W. Buss, P. Breugnon, M. Menouni, R. Juston, F. Expert, F. Colonnier, G. L'Eplattenier, A. Brückner, F. Kraze, H. Mallot, N. Franceschini, R. Pericet-Camara, F. Ruffier, D. Floreano (2014)
Hardware architecture and cutting-edge assembly process of a tiny curved compound eye
Sensors (MDPI-Basel), 14(11): 21702-21721
D. Floreano, R. Pericet-Camara, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier, A. Brückner, R. Leitel, W. Buss, M. Menouni, F. Expert, R. Juston, M. K. Dobrzynski, G. L'Eplattenier, H. A. Mallot and N. Franceschini (2013)
Miniature curved artificial compound eyes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110:9267-9272
F.L. Roubieu, F. Expert, G. Sabiron and F. Ruffier (2012)
A two-directional 1-gram visual motion sensor inspired by the fly's eye
IEEE Sensors Journal, 13(3):1025-1035
F. Expert, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2011)
Outdoor-field performances of insect-based visual motion sensors
Journal of Field Robotics, Wiley, 28(4):529-541
F. Ruffier and F. Expert
Dispositif et procédé de repérage de terrain en vol pour microdrone
Patent BFF 13P0697
F. Ruffier and F. Expert
Motion sensor assembly for determining the angular velocity of a moving contrast in its field of view with a high accuracy
Patent BET 12P2802
Manuscrit de thèse
Vainqueur du prix de thèse George Giralt de la meilleur thèse européenne de robotique.
Seconde place au prix de thèse du GDR robotique. F. Expert (2013)
Un robot volant inspiré des insectes : De la mesure du flux optique aux stratégies de guidage visuel pour un micro hélicoptère
Chapitre de livre
F. Expert and F. Ruffier (2015)
The Vertical Optic Flow : An Additional Cue for Stabilizing Beerotor Robot's Flight Without IMU
Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Springer International Publishing Switzerland
T. Raharijaona, L. Kerhuel, J. Serres, F. Roubieu, F. Expert, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier and N. Franceschini (2013)
Insect Inspired Visual Motion Sensing and Bio-Inspired Flying Robots
Handbook of biomimetics and bioinspiration.
Articles de Conférence
A. Desbiez, F. Expert, M. Boyron, J. Diperi, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2017)
X-Morf: a crash-separable quadrotor that morfs its X-geometry in flight
Research, Education and Development of UAS, Oct 2017, Linkoping, Sweden.
F. Expert, F.L. Roubieu and F. Ruffier (2012)
Interpolation based "time of travel" scheme in a Visual Motion Sensor using a small 2D retina
IEEE Sensors Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October, 29-31, pages 2231-2234
F. Expert and F. Ruffier (2012)
Controlling docking, altitude and speed in a circular high-roofed tunnel thanks to the optic flow
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, October 8-11, pages 1125-1132
F. Ruffier and F. Expert (2012)
Visual motion sensing onboard a 50-g helicopter flying freely under complex VICON-lighting conditions
IEEE/CME Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Kobe, Japan, July 1-4, pages 634-639
R. Pericet Camara, M. Dobrzynski, G. L'Eplattenier, J.-C. Zufferey, F. Expert, R. Juston, F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini, S. Viollet, M. Menouni, S. Godiot, A. Brückner, W. Buss, R. Leitel, F. Recktenwald, C. Yuan, H. Mallot and D. Floreano (2011)
CURVACE - CURVed Artificial Compound Eyes.
2nd European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011, 7 pp. 308-309, Budapest, Hungary.
F. Expert, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2011)
A mouse sensor and a 2-pixel motion sensor exposed to continuous illuminance changes
IEEE Sensors 2011 conference, Limerick, Ireland, pages 974-977
F.L. Roubieu, F. Expert, M. Boyron, B-J. Fuschlock, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2011)
A novel 1-gram insect based device measuring visual motion along 5 optical directions
IEEE Sensors 2011 conference, Limerick, Ireland, pages 687-690
F. Ruffier, S. Benacchio, F. Expert and E. Ogam (2011)
A tiny directional sound sensor inspired by crickets designed for Micro-Air Vehicles
IEEE Sensors 2011 conference, Limerick, Ireland, pages 970-973
F. Expert, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2011)
A mouse sensor and a 2-pixel motion sensor exposed to continuous illuminance changes
IEEE Sensors Conference
28-31 Octobre 2011, Limerick, Irlande
F. Expert, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2010)
Miniature bio-inspired Optic flow sensor
ESF Conf. Functional Neurobiology in Minibrains: From Flies to Robots and Back Again
17-22 Octobre 2010, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Espagne
Conférences nationales sur invitation
F. Expert, F.L. Roubieu, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2011)
Miniature visual motion sensors
Forum Annuel GDR Vision, INT, Marseille
F.L. Roubieu, F. Expert, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2011)
Miniature visual motion sensors
Reunion GT UAV, ENSAM, Paris